When you’re in college, time is precious. You have classes to work around, papers to write, and perhaps even an extracurricular activity or two. If you’re short on cash but also short on time, consider taking on one or more of these online money makers. While most of these aren’t high-paying gigs, a job here and there can quickly add up.
Earn extra money in your spare time by completing online surveys, offering product feedback, writing captions for video and television, transcribing or translating media, or selling stock photos. Full details — and links — inside!
Are You a Student Looking to Generate Extra Income? Check Out These Websites.
Online Surveys
If you enjoy sharing your opinion, filling out online surveys can be a fun and easy way to make a few extra bucks:
- Swag Bucks – Answer surveys, watch videos, or shop online for points you can redeem for gift cards. Right now, they’re offering a $10 bonus just for signing up.
- Inbox Dollars – Shop online, play online games, search the web, or take surveys for savings at Target, Groupon, Netflix, and Walmart.
- MyPoints – Watch videos, shop online, or play online games in return for points you can redeem for Amazon, Walmart, or Starbucks gift cards.
- Harris Poll – Offer your opinion on a variety of subjects in exchange for rewards through Amazon, iTunes, and many other retailers.
Product Feedback
Similar to opinion polls, product surveys compensate you for sharing your thoughts on various products or services:
- Minds Pay – Get paid to give feedback on products like Disney, Walmart, Credit Karma, and Gerber.
- Opinion Outpost – Fill out surveys about various products and services in exchange for gift cards.
- Vindale.com – Review products like Volkswagen, Nike, Disney, Samsung, Starbucks, and Netflix. Pays in cash via PayPal.
- Panel Payday – Earn between $1 and $25 to take online surveys, between $30 and $50 to participate in discussion groups, between $30 and $100 to participate in focus groups, or between $10 and $50 per hour to work as a mystery shopper.
- Focusgroup.com – Test products, participate in focus groups, and give your opinion on new products, foods, drinks, and television shows. Some opportunities pay up to $150.
- Feature Points – Test new apps on your Android or iPhone, and get paid in gift cards through Amazon, iTunes, Paypal, Xbox, Starbucks, Steam, Playstation, and Google Play.
Transcription and Translation Work
If you can type at least 45 words per minute, you can make up to .60 per audio minute transcribing for Rev, TranscribeMe or GoTranscript. If you’re bilingual, consider translating various forms of media through Abercap or Word Express.
Sell Your Photos
Do you have high-quality photos to share? Sell them on Shutterstock, Depositphotos, and iStock. Get paid whenever people use them or purchase them.
Regardless of your abilities and interests, you can find an online side job that works around your busy schedule. You don’t need a lot of time to make a little extra money. Take a shot and enjoy one of these fun opportunities and see what they can do for you.