If you’re a single mom, making ends meet can be difficult enough without adding in your own school expenses. If you want to advance your career or enter you’re going to need the education, but that costs money. Here’s some exciting news: you have access to an incredible array of grants (in addition to the Pell Grant) to help fund the education you deserve.
Single moms: this is for you. You can get paid to go to school! Options like the Bernice Murray Scholarship, the Live Your Dream Scholarship, the Deblinger Family Scholarship, and Betsy Mink Foundation Education Support Award helps moms more easily afford self improvement. You sacrifice so much for your kids. You deserve this!
Single Moms: This Info is For You!
Bernice Murray Scholarship
If the price of childcare has been one factor holding you back from school, the Bernice Murray Scholarship may be able to help. Each year, an average of two recipients split $2000 in awards. The money goes specifically toward childcare, so single parents can focus on attending school.
Applicants must provide a recommendation letter and personal essay, both of which are weighed along with financial need. And the competition isn’t heavy: Only about 18 people apply for this scholarship each year.
Live Your Dream Scholarship
The Live Your Dream Scholarship is open to women who live in the United States and a number of other worldwide countries. Applicants must show financial need, meaning their household income is under a certain threshold. They must also be the head of their household.
To qualify, women must write an essay of fewer than 750 words describing their personal challenges. LYD does ask that women talk about how winning the award will help them to achieve their lifelong goals. Award amounts range from $1000 to $10,000, mostly depending on need and location.
Deblinger Family Scholarship
If you’re a low-income single mother, you may be eligible for the Deblinger Family Scholarship. Recipients receive up to $10,000 to reduce the financial burden of raising children while attending school. Eligible applicants have attended community college within the last year and plan on attending school to transfer or obtain a degree. To continue to qualify, you must hold a 2.5 GPA or higher.
Betsy Mink Foundation Education Support Awards
Do you want to go to school so you can make a difference? Betsy Mink Foundation Education Support Awards gives five low-income mothers up to $5000 every single year to help with school. The foundation chooses recipients based on need, educational goals, occupational goals, individual circumstance, and activism.
The future you want might seem out of reach, but help IS available. These and other important support programs exist solely to help you get paid to go to school. You don’t have to settle for a low-paying job or a dead-end job; take the first step and see what’s available for you.