(GivenUs.com) – Whether you’re getting ready to embark on your freshman college year or getting ready to graduate, there may be a moment when you feel uncertain about your path. There’s nothing wrong with feeling this way, and there may be a solution. This can start with getting in touch with a college mentor. But are they really worth your time? Let’s talk about it.
Help in Times of Transition
When you’re trying to make major life decisions about pursuing more schooling or deciding on a career after college, a mentor can be valuable. They can give you the insight and data to help you decide which career sector to choose. If you’re switching majors, they can guide you when talking to your school counselor. This can give you some reassurance, so you don’t feel alone.
They Offer Reflection and Experience
Sometimes college mentors can offer the right advice when you need it. They may reflect back to when they were in the same situation as you and share insights on how their decision process worked. Maybe they have experience in the job title you want to pursue. This can help you with making a sound choice and point you in the right direction.
They Provide Solutions and Opportunities
Mentors can provide a plethora of solutions when you hit a brick wall. You may be facing failing grades or have missed an important deadline signing up for classes. A mentor may be able to talk to admissions counselors or others who can help bring a resolution.
Useful for Networking
Sometimes it pays to know certain people. Your mentor may be the ticket to landing your dream job or getting into that summer internship program you’ve had your heart set on. They may know people you could never get in contact with on your own, offering a golden opportunity to head down the path you desire.
Even though you may be super busy, a college mentor could be well worth your time. The extra guidance and opportunities could open up doors you may not have known were there. The sky truly is the limit!
~Here’s to Your Success!
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