5 Ways to Celebrate the Class of 2021

5 Ways to Celebrate the Class of 2021

(GivenUs.com) – Graduation hits a little differently this year for grads and their families. Everyone is still on high alert amid virus fears as we make adjustments into our new normal. But that doesn’t mean the Class of 2021 can’t go out without a bang!

There are ways to get around the overcrowded ceremonies and huge open house parties. Here are five alternative ways to celebrate your beloved 2021 graduate.

Keep It Small

The issue on most people’s minds these days is staying healthy and safe. The gathering of large crowds is prohibited in most areas of the country. One way around it is to keep groups of people small.

If you decide to throw a celebration for your 2021 grad, keep it limited and safe. Keep everything outside and require everyone to practice mask wearing and social distancing. A negative COVID-19 test is also recommended for all people attending.

Go Virtual

A big change from a few years ago is more grads and families are connecting through online video conferencing. This option allows multiple people to interact and engage with each other simultaneously. Some schools have already organized virtual online graduation ceremonies. It’s great because students can follow along in the comfort of their home.

Plan on a Later Date

The world won’t be on lockdown forever. Restrictions will ease, and life will be back to normal before we know it. Just because friends and family can’t all gather right now, that doesn’t mean we can’t look to the future. Let everyone know that the ceremony or gathering will reconvene at a later date.

Decorate and Celebrate

Many students are embracing the power of team spirit when it comes to celebrating their completion of education. Some might opt to decorate their cars to show off school pride. Yard signs showcasing 2021 graduation and colorful decorations on display for others to see is a great way to share your enthusiasm.

Video Montage

If you have a YouTube or other online platform, it may be useful during the pandemic. Creating small videos or other tributes can be collected from friends and family and shared with online friends and classmates. Some schools also have a site where they welcome video clips and heart-felt mentionables that are graduation related. This is a great way to share concern, memories and well-wishes with other grads for a happy and exciting future.

The class of 2021 and others are just as important as years prior. While our way of life has changed dramatically, our core values have not. This includes team pride, hard work and building dreams for the future. Here’s to the 2021 graduates! They can take the graduation ceremony away from you, but remember: Everyone still recognizes your accomplishments.

~Here’s to Your Success!

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