There are tons of wild scholarships out there. Here are just a few of the more unusual ones you can enter if you need help paying for college. No need to look a gift horse in the mouth; maybe you can turn your love for crosswords or duct tape into cash for a degree.
- Pumpkin Carving Scholarship: $500. College students from freshmen to graduate students are eligible for this award. All they need to do is document themselves carving a pumpkin as well as send in an image of the final product. They will also accept time-lapse videos of the carving.
- American Association for Nude Recreation Education Foundation: Award varies. Apply to this scholarship if you have nudist experience and concern for nudist issues like skin cancer, body image, nudist art and literature, and the issue of just getting public acceptance of nudism.
- Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest: $2,000. Can you quack with the best of them? Can you speak to the mallards? Take your skills to this classic contest, named for legendary duck callers and duck call makers.
- Doodle 4 Google Scholarship: $30,000. You know your favorite part of Googling stuff is seeing if there’s a fun new Google Doodle to play with that day! You can be part of that and win a college scholarship by submitting a Doodle of your own to the Doodle 4 Google scholarship competition.
- Duck Brand Duct Tape Stuck on Prom Contest: $10,000. You knew duct tape was useful around the house, but you’ll be shocked to see just how pretty it can be! All it takes is a little creativity, an eye for fashion, and upwards of 50 rolls of duct tape and 100 hours of time.
- Crossword Hobbyist Scholarship: The deadline is in April each year; it’s available to college freshmen through seniors. The award amount is $1,000.
- The Scholarship for Redheads: This scholarship is awarded to a natural red-head who is a junior or senior in high school with a GPA of 2.5+. You have to submit two photos to prove your gingery locks’ authenticity and create a creative piece—can be an essay, picture, or video, that tells what it means to you to be a redhead. The prize is $500.
- The Left-Handed Scholarship: The Frederick and Mary F. Beckley Scholarship from Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, is for you. The college selects a left-handed student with a top academic record to receive the award, which ranges from $1,000-$1,500. Grades and financial circumstances are also taken into consideration.
- Magic Fans: High school applicants must write four essays about how Magic has influenced them, how to improve the game, and what their academic and career goals are. Up to two awards of $5,000 will be given, and applications are due in March.
- ‘Debt.com Scholarship for Aggressive Scholarship Applicants: Amount: $500. Apply for this and show your confirmations of the scholarships you have applied for. You also have to write a short personal summary about yourself. The purpose of this scholarship is to motivate you to apply for scholarships.