Getting ready to sell your property? There’s a lot to do. Finding a realtor and getting the place appraised to determine a listing price is just the short list. If the place needs a little sprucing up, now’s the time to raise the overall value. Here are a few things you can do to boost curb appeal and make the house more attractive to a potential buyer.
Clean and Spruce up the Landscape
One of the realtor’s first steps will be to take photos of the property you want to list. Because these photos will be displayed publicly on the multiple listing service, you’ll want them to gain the attention of potential buyers. Now’s the time to spruce up your yard by:
- Getting rid of old bushes or trimming overgrowth.
- Removing dead foliage and killing weeds.
- Adding new flowers and plants that are in bloom.
- Fixing fences and broken gates.
- Power-washing away mold and dull paint.
Create fresh appeal by making the home look its best. You don’t need to spend a lot of money as long as you’re willing to put in a little work.
Replace an Outdated Interior
Was your house last updated in the ’90s, or maybe even the ’50s? Replace outdated wallpaper, appliances and overall style. The dark wood trim, high-pile carpet and colored stone should be replaced if the budget allows.
Appliance upgrades are also attractive to some buyers. New granite countertops, cabinets and hardwood flooring can easily raise value and serve as highlighted purchase points when listing the home. Be sure to replace any drafty windows or doors before selling and make sure the roof is in good condition. A working HVAC system, including plumbing and electrical, also need to be in working order before listing.
Freshen Up with Paint
What a little paint can do! From making porches pop to cabinets looking refreshed and new, a coat of paint can change a lot. Fresh paint also covers up pesky odors that may be lingering on walls and surfaces. Don’t go overboard with stark tones or crazy colors. Use neutral, lighter tones so aesthetics are welcoming to potential buyers with discriminating palates.
Install New Hardware
Boosting home value before selling can be as simple as changing out outdated brass knobs and handles. This can be on the main doors, both inside and out. Don’t forget about the kitchen and bathroom. Freshen up a look with stylish hardware, especially the front door, and strike the attention of potential buyers before they even walk inside the house.
Get Rid of Clutter
Have that “compost” pile that keeps getting bigger but is never making it to the garden bed? Time to clean it up. Get rid of that outdoor junk pile and take it to the dump. An old swing set that hasn’t been used for 10 years? Recycle it or give it a new loving home. A tidy yard and garage improves the chances of someone wanting to further explore the property.
Don’t forget to check these items off your to-do list before selling. Small changes can make a big impact. Remember, you never have a second chance to make a first impression.
~Here’s to Your Success!
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