Ace Your Finals With These Studying Apps

It’s nearing the end of the fall semester, and that means that finals are quickly approaching. Most students wait until the very last minute to cram all of the information they’ve learned all semester into a few miserable days of study. Is there a better solution that isn’t so exhausting?

These studying apps make it easy to prepare for finals without having to spend hours pouring over poorly scribbled pages of lecture notes. Work smarter- not harder!


Quizlet allows you to create virtual flashcards that you can use for terms and concepts you need to remember for a final exam. You can even turn these terms into a variety of games and activities that help you solidify your memory even more. If you want to spread the knowledge, you and your classmates can collaborate in creating a set of Quizlet flashcards for the whole class to use while studying. 


When it’s crunch time during finals week, Evernote provides a centralized location to organize all of your task lists, lecture notes, documents, rubrics, and calendar events. If you take the time to organize all of your semester’s content with Evernote, it will be much easier to sort through your notes and syllabus for each class.  You can use this app to sync your information between all of the devices that you use for school.


If you want to survive studying for finals for days or weeks on end, sometimes you simply need to make it a little bit more fun. Kahoot is a customizable game that lets you quiz yourself on questions that you need to know. Create your own Kahoot with the answers to an upcoming study guide and gather some friends from your class. You can turn an otherwise dreadful night of studying into a fun, competitive game night that will help the information stick even better.

Khan Academy

If you’re in your first few years of college, there might be Khan Academy courses that will help you break down challenging concepts in your core classes. Khan Academy offers instructional lectures on topics such as calculus, biology, and economics. Using their videos and quizzes, you can get extra insight that your professor might not have had time to cover in class.